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Degenerative rheumatic diseases treatment programme

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Degenerative rheumatic diseases are a large group of diseases associated with worn-out joint cartilage and formation of bone spurs as a result of long-term pressure. They most commonly affect the spine, the weight-bearing joints of the lower extremities or the joints that are exposed to the greatest strain during work. The optimal solution is timely medical treatment, i.e. right at the moment when the problem appears; this should be followed by maintenance of proper body weight, regular exercise and repeated treatment and rehabilitation in case of deterioration.
 Package includes:
  • 7 nights in Hotel Svoboda 4* with halfboard
  • unlimited entrance to the therme
  • examination by physical and rehabilitation medicine specialist
  • 2 x per week manual body massage
  • 5 x per week partial fango wrap
  • 5 x per week land-based group physical therapy exercises
  • daily morning exercises in the pool with a physiotherapist

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